Read It for Yourself! It Is Important!

“Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” Psalm 119:18Study your bible!

The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. Of the 176 verses in the chapter, all but six (vss. 84, 90, 120-122, 132) directly mention God’s Word and the different ways it is important, and how it can affect one’s life.

When God tells us something once, we should listen and obey. When we hear or read it more than twice we should know that God definitely wants our attention in the matter. When we hear it at least 176 times in one chapter alone, there should be no hesitation or question in understanding what God wants us to know. In this case, God wants us to pay strict attention to the words He has preserved for us, read them, and obey them.

The most commonly used words to describe God’s words in this chapter are: commandments, His ways, judgments, law, precepts, statutes, testimonies, and word. All of these words insinuate that His written word should not be ignored, or disobeyed as they all are essential for us to obey to have a successful life and to be in fellowship with our Creator. Not once are they referred to as choices, options, “obey if you want to” suggestions, or “maybe I’ll do it if I want to”’s. All the words describing His written words indicate if they are not strictly obeyed that one is in direct violation of what God wants him to do.

Reading and obeying the Bible is serious business. One can never know God’s will unless he reads it. We can learn some of what His word teaches by listening to other sources that teach God’s word as preaching, commentaries, or listening to Christian speakers; but we need to read it for ourselves. God makes it quite clear all through His word, that understanding and obeying His commandments are paramount in living for and pleasing God. What He has made sure is preserved for our reading even supersedes religion or church doctrine if it does not line with what the Word of God teaches.

One will never know His Word and way unless one reads it. He will open your eyes of understanding, if you read and obey His commandments.

4 thoughts on “Read It for Yourself! It Is Important!

  1. If one is smart even when they go to church and are taught they will open the good book for themselves and read because a teacher [pastor ] or other may not see what God is saying . In other words never take what another says as Gospel read for oneself .

  2. Bro Brinkworth,
    There is an epidemic of people that profess to be Christian, yet do not read the Word of God or pray. I should know. I was one of them for years, and being around others, I knew less than I could count on one hand that did.

    For the years that I have been in the church I now attend, I have endeavored to do both (pray and study), and know many people that do. However, even there, it is amazing how many still do not.

    You will know those who do. It leaks out of them. They couldn’t hold it in if they wanted to.

    Thank you for this devotion.

    1. Yes, but there is nothing more important than reading it for ourselves. Many would like others to do the feeding. They sit and listen to the preaching, watch TV preachers, read all the Christian blogs they can, but they are forgetting the most important thing. They must feed themselves first from His main Source of speaking to our hearts — His inspired, preserved Word of God!

      1. As much as I love this devotion site and love you, I would be short sighted to depend on only this or any other format other than reading the word for myself, including those commentaries and books I like to read.

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