When Love Is Missing

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,” II Timothy 3:3

One of the 19 sins Paul said (II Timothy 3) would occur in these last days may be the root of many terrible occurrences we commonly see today.  That loveless iniquity is “without natural affection.”

It is natural for a mother to love her children.  Yet, many mothers today allow their unborn babies to be killed inside them rather than being inconvenienced by the upbringing of their offspring.  Too many fathers have also abandoned their children and wives for selfish desires.

Most should naturally love and honor parents, yet many have opposed their mothers, fathers, and siblings in courts of law.  Newspaper articles too frequently report how an angry child even murdered their parent or family member.

Perhaps, because of the desensitization created by heartlessly allowing unborn babies to be butchered, life is not respected and honored as it should.  It may also be the reason for increased murders and suicides.

The sin of not naturally loving people may also explain why parents do not live up to their responsibility of raising their children.  Not naturally loving others may also be the culprit iniquity behind divorces and broken relationships.

Because of the lack of natural affection, some government leaders have more concern for their gain, power, and agendas than they do about the welfare of citizens.  Many teachers have swayed their charges to their political and social thinking rather than what is best, practical, and moral for the young minds they selfishly control.  A natural love for others is sadly missing in our society.

It should be natural to love ourselves and others.  That act has been why so many civilizations have grown and socially prospered.  Those that did not nurture the innate ability to love and care for life have floundered and failed.

Without love, people will not have peace and joy.  Hatred will be a nagging canker filling voids in lives and society.

Love yourself and others, as God in Heaven has loved you.
“Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Matthew 19:19
And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” Luke 10:27

“Love is the doorway through which the human soul passes from selfishness to service and from solitude to kinship with all mankind.”  — Author Unknown