Why Read It?

Much of man’s history has pivoted around the Bible.  Many have spent their lives preserving it for all to read.  Thousands upon thousands have been persecuted and even killed for reading, believing, and living by its teachings.  

Word of God

Wars have been waged to stop people from violating commands the Book prohibited, and wars have also been started to halt people from living the way the Bible says to live.  People have even printed devious perversions of the Holy Bible and have eliminated teachings they disagree with.

Why all the history involving the Bible?  Because it is not just a book!  The King James Bible is a perfect copy of the Word of God for English-speaking people (Its root texts are also the basis for Bibles in other major languages)!  It comes from a preserved line of copies and translations that have not altered any of its meanings or words since God had first put His words in the hearts and minds of those who penned what He inspired them to write.

People have been changed by living the principles of God’s Word.  Lives have been altered from the inside out as they practiced and trusted God’s preserved words.  Many have been convicted of its truths and done all they can to forget the haunting reminders of God’s Word.

This precious Book is both loved and hated because it:

  • Commands real government.  Although the Bible has much to say about people ruling people, the real government encouraged in God’s Word is mostly concerned with who will govern whom.  Will man govern himself his way, or will he humble himself and let God direct His life?
  • Commands housekeeping.  The housekeeping the Bible is concerned with most is cleaning up one’s personal life.  Its convicting words put God’s spotlight on the sinful filth one is committing.  Once sin is exposed, it is up to the individual to rid oneself of what God warns will ruin one if iniquity is not dealt with and eliminated.  Not removing sin when God’s Word exposes it will also make the hearer of the Word responsible for not letting God govern their life.
  • Gives godly guidance.  The Bible’s advice guides all who obey it through a successful life.  God has raised billions of “children.”  Our heavenly Father’s advice is always best.  It will tell one with whom to befriend, whom to marry, how to work, how to make the right decision, how to raise children, how to live, how to die, how to prepare for eternity, and how to make decisions one will have to make during their lifetime.
  • Gives godly protection.  God’s advice will protect one from making the same mistakes that have ruined many lives.  It warns of dangers that have entrapped so many.  God’s advice offers a life of safety, if heeded.

The Bible was and always will be the most important Book to man.  It is essential because its principles, when followed, will make a difference to one who is obedient to God’s commands. 

Do you read the Bible regularly?  Are you obeying its pages’ truths you have already been shown? 

The Word of God has been preserved so you and others will know God’s will and way.  Is it an important influence in your personal history?