Too Close to the Jalapenos

A friend of mine was gracious to let me have a few fresh jalapeno peppers from his garden. We usually do jalapeno peppersnot eat anything “hot,” but sometimes a recipe calls for them, and I thought it would be a good idea to have some handy for when they were needed.

I took those fresh peppers and cut them up for freezing very carefully. I knew the juice could be harmful if it got in one’s eyes or mouth, and made sure it did not get on my body. I did handle them with caution, and after bagging them, I washed my hands very carefully three times.

Much later, I washed my face. Not once do I recall getting a drop on my face, but when water got on my face, the pain began. Apparently, just the vapors of the “hot” vegetable got on my face, up my nose, and even down my throat. When rinsing my face, the waters activated the pepper’s juice and I had to deal with the agonizing pain for the rest of the day, and still felt some of the pain on my face the next day.

While dealing with the vegetable’s side-effects, I could not help but think how sin’s effects on one’s life are very similar to what I suffered from the jalapeno’s juice. No, sin may not burn one’s face or immediately cause pain, but one does not even have to be in direct contact with sin to reap the damage it can do.

One may not commit adultery, but watching suggestive television or movies can put lustful thoughts in one’s life, changing how one thinks about being faithful in their marriage. One may never image him or herself being involved in homosexuality, but continual exposure to it by being around those involved in the sin or seeing it repeatedly via different media may have one considering such a practice or changing one’s thoughts that “it’s not that bad.” Perhaps, one never would even think about doing anyone else harm, but after years of seeing violence on television, killing the bad guys on a video game, or seeing it much in a family or work situation, may make it easier for one to act more violently when angry. Stealing may be one thing one would never contemplate, but after hearing of peers that shoplifted and did not get caught, it may now be considered a solution for one getting what they want.

Sin is so dangerous that distant exposure to it can affect one’s life. This is why God commands us to not only not commit it, but to stay as far away as possible to it. Any contact with iniquity can desensitize one to it, and may break down any mental barriers one has to being involved in it. Exposure to sin may not burn your face as did the jalenpenos, but it may allow one to be one step closer to committing sin.
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” II Corinthians 6:17 Also: Isaiah 52:11, I Thes. 5:22.

3 thoughts on “Too Close to the Jalapenos

  1. Bro Brinkworth,
    You mentioned watching suggestive things on movies or TV…..When you get down to it, there isn’t much you can watch on TV. A dear brother of mine said from the pulpit once: “I am not going to entertain myself with anything that my Jesus went to the cross for”.

    Now, I am not here to propose that everything one watches on TV is like this, nor where the line is exactly…I think we have to work that out for ourselves. I do know that if we feed ourselves a steady diet of this stuff, it gets on us. If you don’t believe me, stop watching for 30 days, meditate on the things of God, then turn it back on. You will be shocked by the commercials alone. You will discover that your conscience has been seared.

    I encourage everyone who calls themselves Christian to turn off Hollywood, Yahoo, MSN, etc.. Turn on the Word of God, prayer, and whatever is going on at the Church you attend. If we would do this, our character would change and I dare say that Hollywood and New York would pay attention.

    Another great devotion, Brother. Thank you.

    1. You are right. We had the TV unplugged for years, but when my wife fell sick, it is the only thing that can take her mind off her misery. I have rigged a Kindle for her and she watches Hallmark movies. At supper time i usually do watch the news, but most of the time i watch old movies on The older movies have character, a plot, and clothes.

      I like your friends saying. I will save that one…..

      1. That statement about entertaining yourself watching sin will make you think.

        I have also heard him say that he doesn’t worry about who is on the supreme court, whether men marry each other, women dress like men, etc… he worries about peoples hearts. If people had their heart right, there would be no abortion, homosexuality, adultery, etc…

        Appreciating you my brother.. I have my family in the nation’s capital this week on a trip for our school (homeschool). God has certainly blessed this country. However, we are running on the fumes of the fuel that was put in by previous generations. I am afraid we are about out of gas.

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