Working with the Boss

Pastor Renshaw’s preaching stirred my heart by the preacher’s charge, “What do you want from Jesus?”  Some would quickly request they wanted their marriage fixed, a better job, the right mate, and countless other desires.  The more spiritual would choose to be closer to God, as they realize that having a closer relationship with God would provide both spiritual and physical needs. I thought about the preacher’s question, and applied it to myself, and believe God gave me my answer to the preacher’s question in my life.

I love working in a ministry. One of the reasons I like to do things around the church and in the ministry is because I get to work alongside good Christians and also fellowship with them.  Most of the time we have too many things to do to really afford a time to have one-to-one fellowship, but working in a ministry allows us to fellowship together and do something for the Lord at the same time.  Sometimes, as an added bonus when working in a ministry, I even get to fellowship more with the preacher.  I get to work more directly with the “boss” who is usually way too busy to able to spend time with all the church members.

My thoughts about what I want from Jesus continued.  While I am most comfortable being around God’s people and enjoy working with them, the real reason for my enjoyment in doing so is, while active in a ministry, I get to see more closely the working of God.  While at “work” in a ministry I get to have a closer relationship with the Lord, get to see how He is currently working in lives, how He answers people’s prayers and needs, and how He does the “impossible.”  God’s workings are probably more real to me than one who only comes to church on Sunday because I get to see Him work more often.

Yes, I could be fishing on Saturday, instead of inviting children to come to church on Sunday, but then I would miss being at their home at the right time to talk with a person that was just waiting for someone to stop by so they could find out more about being saved.  I could have watched a Saturday TV movie rather than study for my Sunday school lesson for several hours, but then I would have missed how the “worst” child in class got saved and was transformed to be the most interested and changed Bible student in the whole class. It would have been more relaxing and less stressful if I did not go out visiting folks on Thursday night, but then I would have missed the hundreds that have gotten saved and gotten things right with God over all the years.

The greatest experience I have ever had in my life has been to do something for the Lord.  I know I am not the smartest, best worker, nor the best teacher, but I get to work with the “Boss.” There are tremendous advantages and blessings when you work closely with God.

Imagine that the God Who created the universe, put the stars in place, and breathed life into every person on Earth would let me work with Him.  What an honor; what a privilege to see all the mighty things I have seen God perform while working alongside Him. There is nothing more exciting and fulfilling.

Saved person, is your life without a purpose, and without excitement? Do you have the deep-down feeling that your life is missing something, that there is some emptiness in your life?  If so, then I encourage you to work for the “Boss.”

You are robbing yourself of an exciting life when you only live for yourself and do not do anything for Him.  When you serve God, you will see, hear, and experience wonderful things that you would miss otherwise.  There is no greater joy than to have a close working relationship with the Father!

Get involved in a ministry for the Lord today.  Pray about what He would have you do, and even shock your pastor by asking him how you can get involved in a ministry today!

“When God needs something done near where you live, are you the first servant He thinks of using?”