But, I Can’t Go to Church!

The COVID-19 pandemic changed normal life all around the world. It forced many to be wary of the spread of the disease. 

Indifferent church

In many areas, church buildings had limited attendance because of the virus outbreaks.  Many even closed their doors until the pandemic lessened. After the disease crisis, many ministries still are not where they were in attendance

But the church house is not the church!  The real church is those that are born-again into the family of God. Members of the body of Christ still need to be fed and encouraged.  Times may have changed, but the believer’s needs have not.

Instead of lamenting, “I’m all alone.  I can’t see my friends at church,” “Because I can’t go to church, I’m not being fed spiritually anymore,” or “It’s not the same ministry it once was,” do something about it! Maybe it is time you try to meet the needs of others. Minister to others rather than waiting for others to care for you!

  • Spiritually feed yourself if you are not doing it already. Daily read your Bible.  Study the Word of God.  Increase your prayer life. If your church is broadcasting on the internet or radio, do not miss a service.

    I have heard of one woman who did not have the internet to listen to her church services.  Filling the need, another church member, who can hear the internet broadcast of her church, played it over the phone so the other could hear the services. 
  • Minister to others.  If you cannot visit them, call members on the phone, send cards, or write letters.  Avoid gossip and complaining, but purpose to uplift those you contact. For some, a phone call could include prayer time or sharing a blessing found in the Scriptures.

    Do not just call or write to your close friends.  New members, widows, sick, your pastor, and the lonely need to be encouraged and not forgotten.  They may not be able to go to the church building for some reason, but you can bring “church” to them! 

The difficult isolation should have been a growing time rather than a dying-church time. It will be a flourishing time if all will be more concerned about ministering to others rather than just letting someone minister to them.  It is always a time to work and not to sit!

Do not wait for someone to meet your spiritual needs.  Get your mind off yourself and think of and minister to others.  The survival and growth of a church is up to each one of us.  It is always time for all Christians to get involved in the work of Christ and make a difference.

6 thoughts on “But, I Can’t Go to Church!

  1. I agreed with everything that you said, but it is not just other Christians we can reach out to. Part of strengthening our faith should be to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus as their personal savior. I am not saying that we should preach to them unless we are led to do so, but an act of kindness to anyone will show them the love of God in you.

  2. Hi Bill. I just discovered your site. I love this post. I attend a baptist church in metro Detroit. I post semi-regularly to a Facebook page I started a couple years back called Daily KJV. Would you mind if I added your devotions as needed to image/verse posts I create and share to the page? If so, would you need/want me to provide attribution back to you and your site in any post I include your content in?


    1. Use whatever you like where ever you can. i would appreciate your including my name and site. If there is ever a question from a reader I check the e-mails all throughout the day. My goal is to get folks closer to the Lord and to help them understand thus saith the Lord.

  3. Enjoy your site Bill. I hope you don’t mind me using some of your stuff on Fedena’s website.

    Brother Rob Madden

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