It Used to Be Different!

“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: … 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.” Prov. 6:16-19

Too many stand at a ministry’s sidelines and murmur, often to others, “Our church is not what it once was.  We used to:Complaining to others

  • “Have more in attendance on Sunday morning,
  • “Have higher offerings,
  • “Have many out soul-winning and a larger outreach to our community,
  • “Have sermons that challenged and convicted me,
  • “Have a larger children’s ministry …” or a host of other observations.

Although there may be some truth in what one sees in the ministry, a question needs to be asked.  How were you involved in the different aspects of the ministry, when things were “better” and how are you involved in the ministry now?

  • Are you being faithful in your church attendance? Do not criticize others when you are not faithful.  It may be that your lack of faithfulness has caused others not to come.
  • Perhaps you have even decreased or stopped your giving.  How can you expect God to bless the church, when you are not doing your best or even helping as much as you could?  It is not right to expect others to do something you are not doing.
  • When was the last time you went out soul-winning or visited those that were sick and unable to attend church?  Are you doing what the Lord requires of you in that area?
  • Are others commenting on the “good preaching” or apparently being stirred by the preaching and you are not?  If so, maybe you are not being blessed by the preaching because of a spiritual problem you are having.  Maybe the problem is not the preaching, but iniquity you have harbored in your heart that is keeping you from being blessed by the preaching.
  • Are you one of those that used to do something for the Lord and now are not; or were you only an observer then, as you are now? Perhaps your lack of doing something when things were “better” only put a larger burden on those that attempted to do something for the Lord. Maybe they just wore out because of others’ lack of encouraging involvement!

It is easy to criticize what others are doing, but that type of activity usually discourages others and plants seeds of discontentment that others may harvest.  Be a solution to any challenges your church may be facing now; get involved.  If you are the only one still serving, then stay by the “plow.”  Do not give up. Do not be part of the problem; be part of the solution.

“If the person you are complaining to cannot change the situation, chances are that your ‘complaining’ is gossip or ‘sowing seeds of discord’!”

7 thoughts on “It Used to Be Different!

  1. Oh brother! Our mouths….how much trouble they cause!

    The older I get and the more I see how needful it is to be sanctified in this area of my life. Years ago, a little comment or joke might have made someone raise their eyebrows, now at my age, while I would sometimes like to engage in idle banter, fun poking, and commentary on something I have not prayed through, it almost always does damage when I let my guard down.

    Lord, please help me avoid being the source of discontentment in my church!

  2. We’ll never find the perfect church; however, it is a Christian’s privilege and responsibility to worship God though Jesus Christ, fellowship and uplift one another, to become more like Christ, to serve others, and to tell others about Christ.

  3. Oh yes some think oh I give to the church I am good and blessed and that is their leeway into Heaven but it is not .

  4. Many churches do fund raisers like even yard sales in a church .. this I think of when in the back of the church in Jesus’ time they were selling animals for the offerings and I just do not feel it is right .

    1. I agree with you. A ministry should be supported by God’s people, not the money of heathens! Yet, around here, hardly any churches discern that it is wrong to be supported by many that are lost. It may also do more harm to the lost, as they sometimes feel justified if they give to church in that way.

  5. I pastored for 5 years. When I stepped down from the ministry to finish Bible college, my family and I tried to go back to our former church, but things had changed so much that we couldn’t consciously rejoin. The new pastor preached from the HCS bible (which produces the “Masonic Bible”). The new youth pastor wore blue jeans and pocket t-shirts on Sunday morning. They held “fund raisers” to support youth activities (I believe the only way to raise money for church activities is through tithes and offerings). I may be wrong, but we just couldn’t go back.

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