There Are Not Different Ways to Be Saved!

No matter what anyone thinks or says, there is only one way to Heaven according to the Bible. The Word of God says that Jesus is the only Waywhat you think (John 14:6). We must believe we cannot save ourselves and that our salvation is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9) purchased for us by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  He died in our place for our sins! He took the punishment due us for our transgressions. If we accept that, and trust in that way only, then we have God’s promise of an eternal home in Heaven.

For different reasons, many will not accept God’s terms. They want to do it their way. I have heard many people tell me that they were going to Heaven, but their way was not God’s plan. It was their imaginative way, or what they were taught from their religion.

Here are some of the ways that people think they are getting to Heaven. I list them not to ridicule. Before I was saved I had my own ideas also, and they were just as non-biblical as the following. They include:

  • “I believe I’m going to Heaven, because my grandfather was a preacher …” Well, that is wonderful that he was, but nobody’s righteous living or salvation can earn a free trip to Heaven for another. We must have a personal relationship with Jesus and trust Him as our Saviour ourselves.
  • “I believe I’m going to Heaven because I’m a good person.” Well, I am sure you are by most people’s standards, but going to Heaven is not measured by human standards. It is measured by God’s standards, and He says that all are sinners (Romans 3:23)! It is not just the sins that you have committed lately that condemn you. You must realize you were born a sinner. We all are born with a sinful flesh incapable of pleasing God unless we allow God to create a new creature in us and save us from Hell.

    Before I was saved, I thought that my good works would get me to Heaven. Then I started wondering, “If good works get one to Heaven, how many do you have to do? Is it 50, 100, or 10,000? Have I done enough?” Those questions got me reading the Bible.  After 35+ years of reading the Bible, I have never found the answers to those questions because God’s Word never says that goodness will get anyone to Heaven. Salvation is God’s gift to you; it cannot be earned.

  • I believe I’m going to Heaven because I’m an American.” That is good. I am American also, but just being born in a “Christian” nation does not get anyone any higher than the tombstone. It is only by trusting Christ as your Saviour!
  • I believe I’m going to Heaven because my wife saved me.” That may sound funny to some, but some people who have married a spouse whose example helped alter their lives think, because they are better now, they will go to Heaven. Well, maybe you have a wonderful husband, wife, or parents, but again, we are accountable for ourselves (Romans 14:12, Matthew 13:36) and goodness cannot get us to Heaven!
  • I believe I’m going to Heaven because I’m a very religious person.” Well, you may be. Some “religious” people try to do more to please God than a lot of true Christians do – unfortunately. However, “religion” cannot save anybody.
  • I belong to a very good church.” It may teach biblical doctrine but joining any church will not guarantee anyone of going to Heaven. Some “religions” claim that only their religion can save. That is a lie! Only trusting in Jesus Christ’s finished work on the Cross can get anyone to Heaven (John 3:3, John 3:16).
  • I don’t believe there is a Heaven or Hell, and I’ll just die like a dog, and that’s it!” Although I always handle this one politely, the truth of the matter is: They are fools!
    “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” Psalms 14:1

Too many people try to out guess God, and do his thinking for Him. It does not matter what you or I think about obtaining Heaven, but what God says! It is God’s Heaven. He is willing to allow us to go there, but under His conditions. His conditions are that we accept Christ as our Saviour from eternal punishment (Romans 10:9). His way is the only way.

2 thoughts on “There Are Not Different Ways to Be Saved!

  1. Of all of the lies of the devil,this is one of the most subtle. It appeals to our human sense of fairness….which it turns out is not a principle at all, but something we imagine. I actually heard that line preached just last night. Referencing the line from the parable of the workers in Matthew Ch 20, he said that “life is not fair, but God is good”.

    People fail to recognize that without a sacrifice, without the blood atonement, we all deserve hell and would surely go there had we not accepted Christ as our saviour.

    Folks are looking for anything that will tickle their ears and convince them that they are bound for heaven when in fact they are not.

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