I Would Get Saved, But …

The good news is that all can be saved from an eternity in Hell. The bad news is that not all are saved. Man usesRefuse salvation many excuses to avoid getting saved. All excuses are flimsy. Here are just a few of them.

I would get saved, but I do not think I can hold onto my salvation. The person who believes this has believed the lie that he has to “keep himself” saved. It is God who holds on to us, not the other way around.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” John 10:27-28

I would get saved, but I will do it later. How do you know you have a “later”? You have no promise of tomorrow, or even your next breath. Each opportunity to be saved we dismiss hardens are heart and eventually may make it so hard to God’s calling that we may never be saved.
“Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14

I would get saved, but it may cost me too much. It would be too hard to give my money to the Lord, or I do not want to have to quit my job as a bartender. In other words, “I like my sin and do not want to stop doing it.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36

Rather than using an excuse not to get saved, you should say, “I could get saved, and I will.” A wise man acts on the truth, and lets the consequences come as they may. Do not let the small, three-letter word,  “BUT”, keep you from Heaven.
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

10 thoughts on “I Would Get Saved, But …

  1. Then if we all suffer cause of others sins we all are doomed as look at what is happening to this country and a NWO is being set in place now .

    1. You make life seem so hopeless! Yes, because of man’s sin the world is “doomed”. God has told us in advance how mankind will end, but we can have our own zeal in our lives and do all we can to change those that are “doomed” to be blessed and have a promise of Heaven and an exciting life while on this earth. Living a obedient-to-God life is far from being “doomed”. I have been saved for 35+ years, and I am having a blast. I won’t trade one minute of my saved life, for what I had before I was saved.

  2. It is said God wants us all so why would he let a teen die before he got saved unless he knew the teen would never get saved as he knows the future of all of us .

    1. I don’t know for all. It could be because he has heard the calling and did not accept. Most, in this country anyway, have heard the message in their past; be it for a tract, tv preaching, preacher, a personal witness from another Christian, Sunday school teacher, reading a Scripture verse …) It could be because there were many in his life that were supposed to tell him and didn’t. (I believe that many on a possible mission field won’t go to Heaven because one who was supposed to go there, did not. All suffer because of other’s sin.)

  3. You know, Bro Brinkworth, I work with a man that grew up in a Holiness Church Pew, knows that he is living a sinful lifestyle…He is a fornicator, drinks, smokes, etc… knows full well that he is going to hell (from his own mouth), has a young daughter that he has said outloud that he would not want to fool with someone like him, BUT…he just will not repent, will not bend his knee and ask the Lord to save him because he does not want to give up the things he is doing. That tells me that he doesn’t really acknowledge that hell is real, and thereby does not acknowledge that the Bible is the Word of God and Jesus is the Saviour….if he really believed that, he would be scared to death and he would burn a trail to an altar.

    I have a brother that is suffering from sin. He actually is sitting in jail as I write this. Everyone in the family has given up on him. He is 40 years old. He is so bitter toward church and Christianity. I have no idea how to reach him. I actually believe he is possessed…no one would make the decisions he makes on their own, it is like putting your hand in a steel trap. Who would choose that? I have prayed until I have run out of words, shed tears until I am dry. Paid and prodded and visited and done for until I am at the point of having to choose my battles. Possession is the only way I can figure what keeps a guy like that from looking for a shelter from the damage sin is doing in his life. Otherwise, I can’t imagine what someone like that is waiting on.

    Words give us no comfort for these poor people that suffer needlessly and continue to dig their hole deeper.

    Bro Bill, do you believe there are people that are nigh on to unreachable? Not that the Lord wouldn’t save them, because that is their choice, but that they have cultivated themselves in such a way that they are no longer capable of making that decision?

    1. I absolutely believe that. A hardened heart is more dangerous than anything. Many have heard God’s commandments and justified why they will not get saved. I believe there comes a time when one’s heart is so hardened against the voice and calling of the Holy Spirit that He will not speak to them anymore; why should He as they have said “No” to the Holy Spirit before. Read and Romans 1 and find out how God gave up (gave over) to many Christians and allowed them to reap the consequences of their own sin; it is a scary verse to a disobedient Christian.

      I wrote an article about a history of one hardened heart: http://www.openthoumineeyes.com/articles/secondchances.html.

      1. So you believe the Bible stipulates that all can be saved (whomsoever will)?

        If so, I do to. I know that some do not, believing that there is an elect that are destined to be saved, others are not.

        I agree with your position on the hardened heart and The Lord no longer sending conviction.

        Lets not forget that there are plenty of folks that die and go to hell in the world daily that have perhaps not heard the gospel and have not had a salvation opportunity. Some would suppose that is grossly unfair, but really none of us, really even after we are saved, DESERVE Heaven. We in and of ourselves were born into sin and sinful we remain until we receive pardon via the blood of Jesus. So for someone to have a hardened heart to end up in hell is really supreme justice. I grieve for them, especially one’s like my brother that I know could have been so much more without the burden of sin.

        1. David, I personally believe everybody has an opportunity to be saved (salvation opportunity). The problem is, many people don’t accept it. Even a person living in the remotest jungle has creation to point to a Creator (Romans 1:19-20).

  4. I think the second excuse you gave is probably the one I’ve heard the most! I heard of a teenager that kept telling a youth minister that “next” Wednesday night he would give his life to Christ, only to put it off the next Wednesday. The teenager died on a Wednesday morning in a car wreck, and he had planned on going to church that very night (he may have put it off again, don’t know) and as far as the youth minister knows, the teenager died and never gave his life to Christ!

    He put it off one too many times…….

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