In One Ear And Out into the Fire

God gave His Word to the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 36). It was given in hopes that the people of Israel, when they heard how their sin would be judged and punished by God, would repent and stop their wickedness. That is always the first desire of God. He does not want any to perish (II Peter 3:9).

Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe, heard the Words from Jeremiah and recorded them on a scroll. For an unspecified reason, the prophet was not allowed in the Temple. Jeremiah commanded Baruch to read it, in his place, to an array of princes. Fear struck the listeners and immediately they wanted the king to hear God’s judgment by hearing the Words from God. “Surely, as they were touched and convicted, so will the king be”, they must have thought.

Jehudi was selected to read the prophetic words to the king. Instead of being grieved and burdened as he heard a few pages read, the king took them, cut them up with his penknife, and threw them into the fire. As more were read to him, he did likewise. Soon all the Words given to Jeremiah were destroyed.

Just ignoring the Words, however, did not lessen his responsibility to deal with the warnings. As for the Word, it was simply rewritten, and today we have all the same Words that Jeremiah was given, plus some additional truths Jeremiah added. God could preserve His Words then, and He is still doing it today in the preserved King James Bible, despite all that man is trying to do to dilute or eliminate His truths.

What is interesting, is to see how these men handled what was heard. The prophet heard, knew their source, and knew they were valuable to share with others; so they could divert a terrible fate. He knew how many would react, but he still made sure others had the opportunity to hear God’s Words as he had. Today’s Christians should have a similar burden to want others to hear the truths as taught in God’s Word. If we do not tell others, who will?

The princes heard the same words, and were afraid of what was prophesied to happen. They too wanted another to hear it. I am sure they were hoping their leader would help change the situation, so their nation would not be judged by God.

The king reacted like so many do today. He heard the words, was not convicted or disturbed, and burnt them up. He did not do with the Truth as God had given him an opportunity to do.

Destroying or ignoring the truths from the Bible is certainly going on today. God’s Word is ridiculed and demeaned. We hear all the “arguments”, which include:

  • “Only the weak believe it.” However, are we not all “weak”? Most do not recognize their weakness – yet! I heard this defense from a man that was on his fifth marriage, and he is a young man. He just does not see where he is failing, perhaps because he is comparing himself to other “weak” persons around him, and does not seem as “bad” as others. If he, and others, would compare themselves to what the Bible says about their condition, actions, and sins, they might see a truly different picture of themselves.
  • “It is filled with errors.” People often say that, but most cannot give an example of an “error”. The majority that have really given the Bible open-minded study have concluded that there are no errors.One web site, years ago, gave a reward of many thousands of dollars to anyone that could find any mistakes. They never gave one cent of reward, because none could find one mistake. None of the big talk about contradictions and errors proved true, when they were challenged. I have found that many that claim this excuse, have never really read it for themselves, or have formed an opinion before they even read some of it.
  • “It’s too hard to understand.” Actually, the majority of the King James Bible is at fifth grade level. The difficulty in reading and understanding it depends on whether or not the Holy Spirit of God is in the reader’s heart. God’s Spirit is the only One that can allow anyone of us to understand it.
  • “It’s not important.” This is the excuse many use for not even attempting to read it. It is shocking to know how few have read it at all, and even fewer that have read it from cover to cover — even amongst Christians!
  • They do not want to hear it. They have already purposed n their heart not to obey the highest Authority. This was the case of the king in Jeremiah 36. He, like so many others, had his own plans as to how he wanted to live his life, and did not want any authority telling him how to live it. It is when people get to the point that they see their way does not work, that they turn to God’s way and allow Him to lead them the right way.

How are you handling the Word of God? Is it so precious to you that you are burdened to share it with others no matter what it costs you in popularity, friendships, and others’ opinions about you? Are you believing every Word, and trusting its Author, even though you may not initially understand it all? Are you asking and allowing the Spirit of God to help you understand His Word? Are the truths within the pages of God’s Word so important to you that you are making the effort to read and obey them; or are you allowing it to go in one ear and out into the fire as the king did, and not letting God’s Word influence and direct your life? Read God’s Word and let Him show you His truth.

“… For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48

4 thoughts on “In One Ear And Out into the Fire

  1. The best “defense” against false doctrine is to read the Bible for yourself. That which is false cannot stand in the Light of God’s Word! The most important thing I learned after I was saved, and in three years of Bible School, was to have a time of daily devotions. Invest part of every day in prayer and Bible reading/study and you will be inoculated against that which is false. I give this advice to the members of my church on a regular basis, and I can generally tell who has a daily time with the Lord and who doesn’t.
    A woman I talked with at a job I had years ago would always say, “My church teaches….” That’s fine if they teach what the Bible teaches. I’d always tell her to check what the Bible says to make sure she was being taught rightly. We are all human and prone to error/sin. God’s Word, the King James Bible, needs to be our final authority in all matters. And, since it is God’s Word, we must be very careful how we handle it!

    PS. As a pastor I find that many message ideas come out of my daily time with the Lord!!

  2. A lot of people are simply thoughtless about the Bible. I was no different until I made up my mind to be different. They have no idea what it contains and dismiss most attempts by others to influence them because they are too intellectually slothful to read it for themselves. This actually describes a lot of professing Christians, perhaps some saved people too. There are entire churches and denominations of people, claiming to be Christ’s disciples that will not do so much as open their Bible and read what God has for them and allow Him to speak to them through his word.
    I recently encountered a person who attends a church regularly, you would probably apply the term “very religious” to this person, but they actually refuse to read the Bible, depending instead on others to tell them what it says. That’s pretty dangerous.
    Martin Luther and many others changed the world by reading the Word of God. We can too.
    Once I began making it a part of my daily routine, I was amazed to find how much it speaks to me and how much I glean from it. Additionally, it enhances what I am able to receive when I go to worship. I go prepared, my heart ready to sow into. The shame is that I waited until I was well beyond adult to start.

  3. I guess today one can say people are wary on believing things because in this world today they have so much shoved down their throats .

  4. It’s sad to say,,,but unfortunately, we have the same problem today that was in Jeremiah’s day. Pride and unbelief!
    The modern versions (perversions) are harder for me to understand and read than the KJB!
    The bible is alive! It is God Inspired! It is God’s word,,,so to understand it like you said the Spirit must be in us.
    James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberlly, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
    Thank you for this post!

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