When God’s Hand of Blessing Was Removed

The Bible recorded that when men disobeyed or disregarded God’s God's judgmentcommandments, their sin would cost them much. It is very clear, by the countless examples in the Word of God, that no person or country gets away with sin.  Here are a few examples from the Bible of what a people did to lose God’s blessing and to be cursed by the Almighty:

  • God cursed Adam and Eve, all their future generations, and the earth (Gen. 3:14-19) because of Adam and Eve’s sin.
  • God cursed Canaan with slavery (Gen. 9:25) because of Ham’s sexual sin (Gen. 9:22).
  • God destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah, and two other cities (Deut. 29:23) because of their wickedness (Gen. 13:13).
  • God removed qualified, honorable, experienced God-approved leadership (Isaiah 3:1-3), and allowed inexperienced, youthful men (Isaiah 3:4-5) and those whose leadership would harm their country (Isa. 3:12).
  • God allowed foreigners to invade Israel (Judges 6:1-6) and to take away Israel’s freedoms, belongings, and peace. An immigration problem was part of God’s judgment on a country.
  • God allowed Israel’s place of worship, Jerusalem, to be destroyed (Neh. 1:3) because the people did not keep God’s commandments (Neh. 1:7).  God also allowed the people to be scattered away from the land He had given them because of their sin (Neh. 1:8).

God also promised, usually to His people, that He would allow them to learn from the consequences of their sin, when they violated His laws.  Here are some other reasons God promised to curse people and nations, when they broke His commandments:

  • God promised to curse those that cursed the off-spring of Abram (Israel): Gen. 12:3. This is why so many countries that oppose Israel have many problems themselves, as is happening in so many Islamic nations!
  • God will curse those that curse their parents: Pro. 20:20.
  • God will curse those that do not obey the Lord’s commandments, including going “after other gods”: Deut. 11:28, Jer. 44:8.
  • God will curse the wicked: Pro. 3:33.
  • God will allow a people to go through wars, captivity, famines, pestilences, and be disliked by other countries because they did not obey God’s words: Jer. 29:1-19.
  • God would allow His people to also face wars, and famines if they insisted on going back into the world that the Lord delivered them from: Jer. 44:12.
  • God will curse those that do not give glory to His name: Mal. 2:2.
  • God cursed those that would not give Him their tithes (at least 10% of what God allowed them to earn): Mal. 3:9.

Many of the consequences of sin to an earlier people are also occurring today. Also, many of the sins that were promised God’s wrath are also occurring today. Since God never changes (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8), sins He would not tolerate then certainly will not be tolerated today.

No one gets away with sin.  The people of Israel did not get away with sin, and neither will we.

Many say that if we do not turn from our current wicked sins, we may suffer the curse of God.  According to the biblical examples, we may already may be facing the after-effects of God’s curse to a rebellious people. His hand, that often blessed this nation, may have been removed, and we may be suffering the same “lessons” that an earlier people faced.

The curse of God is always intended to halt the violations against God. It is the intent of God that the hardships He allowed to happen will stop the sin, and that people will turn to God.

There is always hope for those that turn from their wickedness.  It is usually when a people face hard times that they realize they cannot handle them without God and turn towards Him in obedience. It is possible to be blessed by God because of obedience to His commandments, rather than be cursed. Hopefully, people as individuals and eventually as a nation, will see their wickedness and turn from it.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and  will heal their land.” II Chron. 7:14  

“The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.”
Proverb 3:33

6 thoughts on “When God’s Hand of Blessing Was Removed

  1. I too feel God has blessed us with the pres elect as after he won i felt a burden lifted from me , felt hope and just thank my Father ! Many of us have been praying that God will protect us and our land and i believe there is a story in the Bible where one man was praying to God to save a country and it goes on how many will accept and turn to God that god saved the country .. Bill ? .. anyway Franklin Grahm went state to state praying and many people showed up for his visits and a lot got saved so yes i feel God is still with us . Usually a country falls because of who is leading it so we all must pray for Trump and Pence and all that is appointed to office that God’s hand will be in all decisions made and that we can be a God country again . I do not hate others but yes i hate the sins some do and like that time in Lousianna when hurricane katrina did lots of damage i feel God’s hand was in it as theyhad planned a big gay bash and that never happened due to the hurricane . So think about it God does show His wrath and if we listen he stays !

  2. “An immigration problem was part of God’s judgment” – that sounds like today with all the illegal immigrants (including Syrians) that are mostly radical extremists!

    1. 30 years aga my first preacher taught, “… Countries are cursed because of their idolatry, failure to accept Christ and their promotion of false worship. Then they come here and bring those curses with them.”

      That is happening today with importation and acceptance of Islam, Catholicism, and other false religions. God’s people were always to be separated with ungodliness because it would “rub off on them”. That is exactly what is happening today in America and all over the globe. The ungodly’s sin is rubbing of and being accepted by even Christians.

      1. Wow, that comment from your previous Pastor is great. I have felt that the US was running on the blessings of the past…kind of a spiritual momentum our forefathers won for us, if you will. That momentum not only is slowing down it is being pushed back against. Sometime in the past, it was understood by immigrants coming here what kind of country this was (Chrisitian) and the majority assimilated and it became a blessing to them. However, if they transplant themselves from places that are hell and don’t have any desire to change that, it will be hell here as well because the people are what create the culture.

        Wise words from all…

        Shout out to Star: Please Please, get that weight back on your shoulders. I think maybe one of the reasons God moved was because of people like you crying out to Him. Lets all agree to keep the burden of prayer for our country and our leadership. Victory is always easier to pray for than defeat, but our tendency is to do the opposite.

  3. Does anyone care to comment or offer an opinion about the direction we are headed in as a country? ..vis a vis the President elect and change of the guard.
    I will say that I think that the man may have the hand of God on him, perhaps he could be a King Cyrus?

    You men and women that are closer to God than I am surely have something wise to offer!

    1. It certainly sounds like he really cares for his country, unlike most recent leaders. God may have given us one more chance, and I hope we Christians don’t blow it. We can’t just count on the leader, we Christians need to step forward while God has allowed us to still keep our freedoms. Thank you Lord for more grace and mercy!

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