Little Can Be Much

People wonderSomehow, many Christians have gotten it into their heads that if God is blessing someone there will be prosperity and ease. Perhaps some of that thinking was drummed into them through the “prosperity Gospel” crowd, who teach that God wants you to be rich and gives one an easy life if you are right with Him. Maybe it is our own natural thinking that makes us believe that any problems can only mean that we are not right with God and His hand is against us. That teaching is not evidenced in the Bible often, however.

There were times when God gave peace and prosperity to some at certain times. The majority of the times God’s evidence of power is more evident during “bad” and troubled times. Those times can get one closer to Him and allow one to see God’s mighty power.

His miracles were and are performed with the most irrational objects, and resulted in the most illogical solutions. Often God works with a little, rather than much. Yet, when all was finished, there was no question that God had done a great thing with just a little. Some of these great supernatural occurrences were:

  • The earth was created in six days by God only, not over millions of years, and not by many different “accidents,” or a “Big Bang”. Being created by one God is not the way that a “natural” man would understand. A lot was accomplished with just a little of God’s time.
  • The people were scattered at the tower of Babel; not by a disease, not by an enemy, but by a “little” confusion of languages. From that small instance, people were scattered and civilization was spread.
  • Moses and God’s people had a way of escape from the encroaching enemy when he simply stretched his rod over the sea. They watched as God took an “impossible” method to open the Red Sea for them to cross to safety. A little wind parted a big sea.
  • The walls of a protected enemy were knocked down by a simple shout at Jericho; not ramming machines, nor by a vast army. A big victory was accomplished by an incident that would hardly be expected to knock those mighty, double walls inward.
  • Naaman’s leprosy was cured by simply dipping in the Jordan River seven times, not by some doctor’s cure or some super drug. A little obedience healed the man in a big way.
  • Gideon was vastly out-numbered, but got the huge victory in battle with only 300 men, lamps, pitchers, and their shouts.
  • Under-sized David slew his adversary with a small, smooth stone propelled from his unthreatening sling.
  • Vast enemies were chased by little, God-controlled hornets.
  • Five, small barley loaves and two fishes fed over 5,000 people.
  • A blind man’s sight was restored not by surgery or some miracle cure, but by a little spittle and clay.
  • Sins of man can be forgiven simply by Jesus’ paying for them 2,000 years ago by the blood He shed on Calvary, not by our good works or our payment for them. The death of one “man,” Christ, became the most important action in man’s history.

Anyone can get by with the help of millions of dollars; there’s not much miracle in that. There is not always proof that God is in the solution when money bought the way out of the problem. When there is plenty in the checkbook, just about anybody can change any situation. Solving situations with plenty is not necessarily God’s fingerprint on the solution.

When God is involved in a situation, He must get the glory. He will get the credit when a “little” does the impossible. Nothing is impossible when God is in the matter. God’s involvement is often evident when a little goes a long way and does great and wondrous things. Little is much when God is in it, because God can do anything He desires with anything!

4 thoughts on “Little Can Be Much

  1. Heard a great Sunday School lesson a few weeks ago… Title… The poverty of the Godless Rich.

  2. I have had so called Christians tell me that as I live ” below poverty” that I am not blessed and that they have money because they are blessed , sorry I disagree with this . God teaches us to trust him as he says he feeds the sparrows and are we not more worthy ? So I believe that Father takes care of us as he knows our needs even before we do . Yeah having a garden is good but if one doesn’t one may be surprised that there is a lot of natural food out there if one knows how to forge for it smiles. Yet one studies to be “wise’ hence one should study on what wild foods to eat . So I believe where there is a will there is a way . Now on your speaking of bro number one and number two I think number two has it right that he if I understand correctly does for others but keeps quite about it hence not seeking to be glorified but giving God the glory which I agree with . I never understand some who are always bragging what they have done for others seeking praise maybe ? don’t know but to me as we are told to fast , pray in secret then I would think also to do for others in secret smiles . Maybe not any answers you seek but also just :putting : my two cents in smiles .

  3. Bro Brinkworth,
    This is a complex discussion. I just pray that I will be able to put it all in his hands. I am not worried with accumulating things or wealth, although they can bring some pleasure for a season. I am not worried about retirement, but I am trying to prepare because I think he has given me resources for that reason…unless he calls for it elsewhere.

    Here is the meat of what I would like to hear from you and others about…. I have come to believe that just as much as the church has a problem in certain places with “prosperity doctrine”, we also have a problem with “poverty doctrine”. Is it better to hear a testimony about how some guy couldn’t pay his bills and God provided for him OR better to hear about how God has provided abundance and see in their life how that is both blessing them and others? OR…. are we off track altogether and God really isn’t that interested at all in our finances because it is for us to work and till the earth and provide for ourselves as part of our banishment from Eden…as long as it is in our control, he does not intervene??

    That question doesn’t have the tone I wanted to reflect….I don’t mean this in a mean spirited way. I just get frustrated with Brothers who make choices in their lack of work and preparing themselves, then spend their time “being blessed” by others. In that testimony, that lifestyle begins to be lifted up and presented as the “Godly way”, while the other brother next to me is diligent, prepares himself, and even though he has been making someones house payment for them the last 6 months, is unable to get up and testify about that and what a blessing it has been to him because of the obvious reasons. Additionally, Brother number 1 is also the first guy to espouse conservative values and testify about Gods provision, but is often taking government assistance.

    Please do not take this as an attack or criticism of anyone who is unable to provide.. I am strictly speaking above about able bodied men in good circumstances, not some Sister who is widowed or someone who is disabled, or someone that is called to ministry (which last time I checked, did not pay nearly well enough).

    You all help me please.

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