They’re Watching!

“Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but Someone is watching you.they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.” Dan. 6:4

As Daniel aged, his movements and actions were continually watched. Possibly because he appeared to be “too good to be true,” and partly because his excellent character convicted onlookers of their lying, cheating, and their lack of testimony. The princes and other local officials observed the man. However, they could not find any flaw in Daniel’s character. His good attitude, even amidst difficult circumstances the 90-year old leader faced, infuriated them more. Daniel’s outstanding testimony was flawless, as far as anyone could see (Daniel 6:3-4).

Daniel’s testimony did not impress his fellow statesmen, as it should have.  His behavior only led them to devise a conspiracy to force him to fall.  Perhaps eliminating the outstanding leader would not only open his political position for them to occupy, but would also get rid of an example that daily convicted them of their short-comings.

They devised a plan (Dan. 6:7-9) which involved duping King Darius to pass a law forbidding anyone to ask any God or man, except the King, for anything for 30 days.  The King passed the decree. They knew very well that Daniel would not stop his prayer time with the Lord under any circumstances (Dan. 6:5).  The rulers were hoping that Daniel’s love and commitment to God would be his downfall.

Their plan did work.  Although Daniel knew of the law, he boldly opened the windows of his prayer chamber; so all could see that no law of man, or anything else, would deter him from his daily conversations with God Almighty. He did get caught, and was thrown into a den of lions as punishment for breaking their law and not going to the government only for his needs and fellowship.

The story did not end there.  An angel of the Lord closed the mouths of the carnivores, and Daniel was unharmed.  The king, seeing the protection of God and realizing he had been manipulated into trying to get rid of the man of God, had the conspirators thrown into the same den.  They were not protected, and they perished.

Although Daniel’s experience in the lions’ den occurred over 2,500 years ago, man has not changed much.  There are still those that watch people that claim to be the children of God.  Perhaps, it is because deep down in their hearts they know there is a God, and they want to see some reflection of a living God in others’ lives.  Those that they observe making mistakes (it is curious how an unspiritual person thinks he can judge one that is trying to live spiritually) are often quickly labeled as “hypocrites.”  Those that “pass” their scrupulous observations are their proof that there is a God, and His way works.  However, too many, instead of changing their lifestyle to a godly one that brings joy and peace, even after watching a good Christian testimony, will often ridicule and persecute those that have a successful, God-approved life.

This type of persecution happened to other biblical people, including: Paul, John, and even Jesus.   We can expect this persecution even today, and it continues. It has been estimated that 163,000 Christans die every year for their faith in countries such as: Myanmar, China, Egypt, Iran, Laos, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. In America it is common for some to make derogatory remarks against Christians. Often they are the brunt of unkind jokes.

However, those that have not found the peace of God that passes all understanding are still watching.  Since not many read the Word of God for themselves, a good Christian testimony may be all of God onlookers ever see.

If you are a Christian, your testimony is under observation. When you get mad, do others see that you behave just like the unsaved? On Sunday, do they observe you in the same places the unsaved go on the Lord’s day, rather than the house of God? At work, do they see you stealing time from your employer? At leisure, are you spotted doing things that even the unsaved know are not right?  Is your language improper and scrutinized as language inappropriate for a believer? Does your example give those considering obeying God an excuse for not following God’s commands, or does examination of your testimony lead others to the same conclusion they came to about Daniel’s life, they “… could not find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him” (Dan. 6:4).

Christians are not perfect because they are still made of the same sinful flesh they were born with. They will still fall short of living a perfectly godly life.  They may face persecution, but the same God that protected Daniel can protect them. No matter their situation, their Christian example is important.  They must dare to be like Daniel, because there are many that are watching! Their upright behavior may be the link to someone’s turning to Christ.

“A good example has twice the value of good advice.”

otme 7/18/16

15 thoughts on “They’re Watching!

  1. Brother Brinkworth,
    Thanks again for this article. It fed me again today. The dialog in the comments is excellent! Thanks for your work in this ministry.

  2. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody quit their job because their job was full of hypocrites, but people will definitely quit going to a church because the church is full of hypocrites in their minds!

    Yes, many Christians have ruined their testimony by being a hypocrite (and shame on them), but I think the “hypocrite card” is another excuse of the already growing list of excuses why people don’t go to church!

    Another great devotion!

    1. I am really liking yours and David’s responses. Often your examples highlight a point that should be understood. I like that about not quitting a job because of hypocritters (as a young child used to say).

  3. Bro Brinkworth, would you agree that our loudest, most effective testimony is the manner in which we live?

    Whether we are sold our or not, Pharisaical or not, pray or not, are Christlike or not, are just a few of the things people are watching for. They are looking to see if our talk and our walk line up with one another.

    I was very much reminded of this at a recent outdoor brush arbor revival our church held in the community. A sinner that I knew drove by. The only person he recognized was me. Eventually, he got up nerve enough to get out of the car and approach the brush arbor. I turned and there he was. He had confidence in me because we had business together and he knew that I lived what I said. I am not telling that to lift up this flesh, but to point to how grateful I was that the Lord could use me because I had not compromised myself with this man. I was simply living how I was supposed to live. There were probably a hundred opportunities in the past where I could have participated in some inuendo, listened to a dirty joke, taken advantage financially, but I had not. That man was saved at that meeting that very night and delivered from alcoholism. Praise God!

    We never know who is watching us.

  4. None of us are perfect only Jesus is . We all still sin saved or not and if we say we don’t we lie .

    1. Star,
      My grandmother used to go on about what a sinner she was……which in a sense is true. The Bible says any righteousness we possess is like filthy rags to him. But, it wasnt to the degree to which she saw herself.
      I would like to put forth the idea that viewing ourselves in that manner all the time is actually enabling to some who would continue in their sin. Its as if they are making the statement that they just cant help themselves…
      In fact, Christ calls us to lead as perfect of a life as we can. Now the carnal man would say “impossible”, but the spirit says “yes sir, I will do my best”. This is the old discussion about how far the total depravity of man goes and what impact being saved and filled with the Holy Ghost has on that.
      Here is what I have observed from my own life. Years ago, I identified as a sinner (after salvation)…and yes I did plenty of it….in fact I did so much that my conscience was seared and I scarcely recognized it as sin anymore, yet I was in fact saved. It turns out that we partner with God to sanctify ourselves from sin and the influence of the world. He saves us freely, but there is a part we play in living up to the expectations that God has for us. (Bro Brinkworth and Bro Doug are going to get me!! ha ha)

      Later someone introduced me to the idea of crucifying the flesh daily, to the idea of mortification and the death and banishment of the “old man” and it began to change my perspective so that I knew I could live in victory over the devil and sin.

      One person explained it this way… He said “How many steps do you think you can take today without sinning?” “Could you take one?” Well, yes…I think I can take one, I answer. He said: Well just keep taking that step all day and you will live in victory.!

      You and I both know that is an oversimplification, but I have found the concept to be sound…..and here is the other thing…. when I rooted out 99% of that garbage sin from my life, I became super sensitive to the times that I did cross the line, leading to instant conviction and need for prayer. It changed my relationship with Christ and my Christian walk forever.

      I challenge you to pray about it. You are dedicated to Christ, or you would not be here on this site.

      Your statement that if we say we dont sin, that is a lie is exactly correct… I am just pushing the idea that sin should be O so rare in the life of a saved person.

      Finally, back to my grandmother… I often challenged her to think of the last sin she committed. She would have to dig a couple of days back, sometimes think really hard. I bet you are the same way.

      1. I agree…. We are not His puppets after we are saved … we always have a choice to do freely what He wants us to … unfortunately, our flesh often pulls more strings that it should. As for quitting 99% of sins, I envy you. I let the Lord down so much more than 1%. Yes, the major sins are leashed, but that old flesh is pulling like crazy. We are going to have to battle it to the day the Lord takes us home!

        1. Great point Brother and a lesson on using hyperbole to make my point! OK… 99% was not scientific. What I was trying to say was, with God’s help, I cleaned up my language, cleaned up my thinking, cleaned up my associations with others, etc… the easy obvious stuff. The harder stuff took lots of prayer and work, some of which I am still working on. Will I ever get to 100%? I hope so, and I am going to have an attitude that I can live in 100% victory. In my mind allowing for any less is giving myself permission.

          Great dialog…thank you Bro.

      2. I have been working on an article called “Holy, Holy, Holy”. It will align with some of what you are saying. Of all the attributes God has, one of the ones that the seraphim and “beasts” of Rev. sing His lauds about is God’s Holiness. IT is holy living that He also expects out of us.
        Lev. 20:7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God.
        1Pe 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
        1Pe 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
        He would not ask us to do something that was not possible. God expects us to be holy.

        1. Agreed. It is a power multiplier in the life of a Christian. Sin and its consequences are like rust to the Christian. It ruins their appearance and integrity.

          Will be much appreciated.

      3. I was referring to a lot whom claim they never sin but good concept you wrote thanks !

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