Daily Devotion in Psalm 60

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Daily Nugget:
Psalm 60 refers to the historical event when David got the victory over the Edomites. However, as do most of the Psalms, there is something that one can relate to in their own life.

Sometimes, some have the feeling David had when he knew He was not in fellowship with the Lord. He sensed something was different between him and His relationship with the Lord. David knew he and Israel had displeased God, and he desired His heavenly Father’s help, guidance, and fellowship again.
“… O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased; O turn thyself to us again.” Psalm 60:1

We are joyous over the times we know God is close and see His hand in our lives daily. We pray, and we see His answers. Miraculously, we see his blessings in our lives. They are wonderful days, but something happens. Those feelings disappear. For some, those God-filled days are only a dim memory.

Frantically, we search our lives. We know God will never leave us, but He may withdraw His helping hand when we sin. Prayers go up but appear unanswered. “What have I done to grieve you, dear Lord,” we wonder.

As we recall past events, one, two, or maybe more sins we have committed come to mind. We certainly cannot undo our past, but we must do something to have a better future.

We quickly pull aside from what we are doing and bow our heads in prayer. God knows what we have done or neglected to do, but He wants to hear us admit our transgressions. As we name them one by one in prayer, a waited-for plea is uttered from our lips, “And, please, Father, forgive me for what I have done. With your help, please help this never to happen again.”

Forgiveness is sought, and it is received from a gracious God. Many times, the fellowship is not immediately restored to the point it was previously. Still, our confession to Him is all we can do. It is a necessary re-starting point.

David experienced that situation. He knew why his and his nation’s close relationship with God had changed, and He wanted the relationship back the way it was. The leader humbled himself and sought forgiveness.

If you find yourself in a situation where your walk with the Lord is not what it used to be, it may be time to do as David did. Search your heart. Be honest with yourself, and do not hide behind excuses.

Seek answers through praying. As you are reminded of things that could have been done differently, sins that never should have been committed, or steps of disobedience, beg God’s forgiveness and help to stay within His graces. Do so when your heart is convicted. There may not be another opportunity to be restored to the fellowship with your heavenly Father.

Today’s Thought: 
“True repentance hates the sin, and not merely the penalty….” — Taylor

Words to Understand:
Aramnaharaim: it was a city north of Mesopotamia
Aramzobah: was a kingdom north of Damascus
Breaches: an opening, often a break, in a fortification
Michtam: a poem
Shushaneduth: a different way of presenting a song

Today’s Reading:
Psalm 60
1 To the chief Musician upon Shushaneduth, Michtam of David, to teach; when he strove with Aramnaharaim and with Aramzobah, when Joab returned, and smote of Edom in the valley of salt twelve thousand. O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased; O turn thyself to us again.
2 Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it: heal the breaches thereof; for it shaketh.
3 Thou hast shewed thy people hard things: thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment.
4 Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.
5 That thy beloved may be delivered; save with thy right hand, and hear me.
6 ¶ God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.
7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head; Judah is my lawgiver;
8 Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe: Philistia, triumph thou because of me.
9 Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?
10 Wilt not thou, O God, which hadst cast us off? and thou, O God, which didst not go out with our armies?
11 Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.
12 Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

Author: Bill Brinkworth

1 thought on “Daily Devotion in Psalm 60

  1. Thank you Brother Brinkworth! I have felt that separated feeling many times. I am blessed that God is forgiving and willing to receive me after I fail and seek repentance

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